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#EvilGoogle #surveillance

ich fürchte man muss da deutlicher werden - sorry, alles Englisch:
nur ein Anfang:

In a new article, the New York Times details a little-known technique increasingly used by law enforcement to figure out everyone who might have been within certain geographic areas during specific time periods in the past. The technique relies on detailed location data collected by Google from most Android devices as well as iPhones and iPads that have Google Maps and other apps installed. This data resides in a Google-maintained database called “Sensorvault,” and because Google stores this data indefinitely, Sensorvault “includes detailed location records involving at least hundreds of millions of devices worldwide and dating back nearly a decade.”

Von dort:…

weitere, schnelle Beispiele: (älter aber wichtig)

aah, und hier eine deutsche Erläuterung einer -nun ja, englischen- Seite:…
