Dieser Artikel fiel mir vor allem durch seinen Titel auf, der plötzlich so einleuchtend klingt:
Washington plays Russian roulette von Pepe Escopar in der Asian Times.
P. Escopar zitiert auch "...The propaganda attack against Putin equating him with Hitler is so extreme that you have to think that the Russians cannot believe their ears and cannot trust the United States anymore under any circumstances.
I cannot believe how we could have gotten ourselves into this situation to protect the looters in the Ukraine that Putin would have rid the Ukraine of, and even had the gall to place in a leadership role one of the worst of the thieves. ..."
und ... - but it's a perfectly logical extension, further on down the road, of what the Russian president intimated in his already legendary interview with Germany's ARD in Vladivostok last week: the West is provoking Russia into a new Cold War. ...
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