... und Brosamen für die Hungernden. Leider komme ich nicht selbst zum Übersetzen, auf Englisch in GreenLeftweekly wird Folgendes ausführlicher geschildert:
Die Hungerkatashtrophen in Afrika gehen weiter - was USA und teileise UNO betreiben passt wie die Faust aufs Auge (kleiner Ausschnitt):
What Tandja and Bush did discuss was Washington’s $550 million Trans-Sahara Counter Terrorism Initiative (TSCTI), a military training and cooperation package involving nine African countries, including hunger-stricken Niger, Mali, Chad and Mauritania. It also involves Nigeria, Senegal, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The pact was launched with the arrival of 1000 US troops on June 6 to take part in a 20-day military training exercise.
Using the “war on terror” as cover, the program is designed to give the US military a foothold in the strategic, oil- and mineral-rich region and to prop up unpopular and authoritarian pro-US regimes. It provides forward facilities for rapid US intervention in other parts of Africa, in particular oil-rich west Africa around Nigeria and the Gulf of Guinea. It is estimated that that region alone will supply 25% of US oil needs by 2015; currently it is the source for 15%.
(weiß jemand wo diese Nachrichten auf deutsch zu lesen sind?)
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