angry arab, Ergänzung
muß ihn wieder mal zitieren, heute zu Israel vs. Grass:
"But Grass' comparison of Israel and Iran is unfair, because unlike Iran, Israel has never threatened to wipe another country off the map." Tom Segev is right. Israel never threatened to wipe another country off the map; it actually wiped another country off the map. It is called Palestine. ...
Muß ich übersetzen?
.... Nachtrag, passend zu den Unterstellungen gegenüber Grass, gleiche Quelle (nicht vergessen - die dahinterstehende Unterstellung gegenüber Amadinedschad beruht auf mutwilliger Falschübersetzung):
"In an interview with Army Radio on 8 May 2006 [Shimon Peres] remarked that "the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map".[32]"…