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Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

Fürsorgliche Israelis

Montag, 9.2.2009    

An Israeli animal rights group is behind a relief effort to assist animals in the Gaza Zoo.
The zoo came under attack during the offensive of December and January. A number of animals died while others were visibly distressed from the violence that unfolded.
The Israeli group 'Let the Animals Live' persuaded Ehud Barak, Israel's defense minister, to arrange entry for trucks carrying aid to the stricken zoo.

Wow! Wie nennt man das? "Humanitäre" Kriegsführung passt ja nicht ganz, wenn man sich um die Tiere kümmert, die ja nix dafür können, dass man leider, leider die Bevölkerung ...

via The Angry Arab