Kommentare aus der AMAZONAS-Box
Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

Archive - Jun 26, 2006

Montag, 26.6.2006    

Democracy is already over

gerade die Datenschleuder-Feeds entdeckt und schon was zu zitieren (aus der DS89):

Democracy is already over - By its very nature the western democracies have become a playground for lobbyists, industry interests and conspiracies that have absolutely no interest in real democracy. The “democracy show” must go on nonetheless. Conveniently, the show consumes the energy of those that might otherwise become dangerous to the status quo. The show provides the necessary excuse when things go wrong and keeps up the illusion of participation. Also, the system provides organized and regulated battleground rules to find out which interest groups and conspiracies have the upper hand for a while. Most of the time it prevents open and violent power struggles that could destabilize everything. So it is in the best interest of most players to keep at least certain elements of the current “democracy show” alive. Even for the more evil conspiracies around, the system is useful as it is. Certainly, the features that could provide unpleasant surprises like direct popular votes on key issues are the least likely to survive in the long run. ...

* Der interessanteste Satz nochmal extra:
* ... the show consumes the energy of those that might otherwise become dangerous to the status quo.

der Bär

Das Problem war wohl weniger der Bär, als seine Jäger (... irgendwo aufgeschnappt).